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Workshop Facilitation

Thalia is a skilled facilitator with a wealth of experience delivering workshops on mental health, wellness, and education. Her engaging and informative approach helps participants gain valuable insights and practical tools for personal and professional growth. Whether you're looking to improve your own well-being or enhance your team's performance, Thalia can help you achieve your goals.


Anderen Counselling & Consulting, PLLC offers a variety of workshop options to choose from, and Thalia is always happy to customize a workshop to fit your specific needs.


The following are examples of the types of workshops Thalia has delivered previously. Please contact Thalia to let her know how she can assist you in selecting the perfect workshop for your needs.


Coping with Student-Initiated Confrontation: Effectively Managing Confrontational Behaviors Initiated by Students: Over the past three decades, research findings have shown that post-secondary instructors are experiencing increased incidences of disruptive, hostile, and even aggressive direct confrontational behaviors both in and outside the classroom environment. As a result, the management of these types of behaviors can present challenges and stress for instructors as well as negative impacts to their personal and professional lives and well-being. This half-day workshop will address the prevalence of student-initiated confrontational behaviors towards instructors, the types of situations instructors may encounter, and strategies to manage and cope with these types of behaviours both professionally and personally to help them feel more prepared, validated, and empowered. 


Mental Health for Employers: Opening Up Dialogue About Mental Health in the Workplace: 
Mental health challenges can impact employees in various ways, including their work performance and overall well-being. As an employer, it's important to understand the potential impacts of mental health issues in the workplace and to address them. This workshop covers information about mental health challenges, their effects on the work environment, and strategies employers can use to support employees who may be struggling.


Let's Talk About Stress: Finding Realistic Strategies to Bring Balance Into Your Life: Stress is a common experience that can have negative effects on our physical and mental health and well-being. This workshop aims to provide information on what stress is, how it can impact individuals, and strategies to both prevent and manage stress when it does arise. By learning about stress and how to manage it, individuals can improve their overall well-being quality of life.



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